Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog update

Hello fellow subscribers and random audience :D This will be my last post on blogger and on this blog. From now on you can follow my progress and works in wordpress... follow the link and please subscribe to me there, I appreciate your feedback on my work (although I didn't get too many of that, here XD )

Bye Bye Blogger!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Air Canada Logo Design Process (not final)

So I made these and I was really excited but my teacher didn't seem to like it at all and she said that the leaf looked "unintentionally skewed" which I sort of get what she means... Anyway, when designing thing this happens when you like something you designed but the client doesn't. One of my profs called it "killing your baby" meaning you kill what you created and loved because the client's need is what matters in the end. So yeah, I have to kill these babies :(